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I would like to document my entire journey of this dang Turtle, so we’re going to do that in a separate page.

For what?

This project was used for my Integrated Math II classroom at Golden Valley High School for my student teaching. We planned for it to be used in an after school program at McSwain Middle School, activities in CalTeach’s Learning Lab, as well as the Bobcat Summer STEM Academy. But then, the fire nation (coronavirus) attacked.

Also I used it as a project to maybe do some research on it with UC Merced’s HCI Group. It later became my project in EECS 255 (Advanced Human Computer Interaction).

Much later on when presenting it to my teaching advisors at UC Berkeley, they invited me to draft up a research project for UTeach’s STEM Educator’s Conference… which also didn’t happen because of COVID-19.

Basically, my entire life was staked on this project even though I had no idea what I was doing, but hey let’s go for it anyway!


Much thanks to CalTeach’s Learning Lab for funding most of the motors, driver boards, and serving as a place to provide me support for all the random shit I want to do.

Much thanks to Daniel Leung for being so supportive throughout this process as well and providing micro::bits, wires, and motors to play with.

Much thanks to Yiying Jie for snapping her fingers and creating a quick web application that connects to the Turtle through Bluetooth and can control the device easily! Unfortunately, since the micro::bit was incompatible with Chromebooks, I decided to not use this for now.

HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Thanks to Daniel Milliate (lots of Daniels, it was confusing many times) for CADing, helping me make decisions, thinking through most of the mechanical engineering stuff–I absolutely could not have done this without him.