• Conferences

    BACK: Navigation ICLS/CSCL by International Society of Learning Sciences ICER International Computing Education Research IDC Interaction Design and Children LRA Literacy Research Association AIMS Colloquia by AIMS Center for Mathematics and Science Education

  • Expertise, Public Engagement, Democracy

    BACK: Diversity in Computing Traditional, “diffusionist” Model of Science Communication Science -> Media -> Public This treats science as a top-down approach. Science is at the top and creates knowledge for the public to eventually passively receive. Knowledge isn’t tied to context, this assumes “pure science.” Seeing this model assumes...

  • Diversity in Computing

    BACK: Reproductive Futures and Designer Babies The Shift from “Big Computing” to “Personal Computing” Electronic communication: wireless telegraphy, telephony, radio, television, computing. Rapid Technological changes were considered ‘revolutions.’ Traditionally, it is difficult to retain full control of the market for a long period of time–things are constantly changing and improving....

  • Reproductive Futures and Designer Babies

    BACK: Gender in Science and Technology Who has a stake in reproduction and “Facts of life?” nations, tribes, societies, military companies (facebook, yahoo, google) insurance companies religious institutions, families, social worlds scientists, agricultural worlds, pharmacies, fertility clinics individuals Reproduction is an “arena of conflict” and anxiety. Who should reproduce, who...

  • Gender in Science and Technology

    BACK: Effective Technology Two possible Senses Women’s presence in Science and Technology How Scientific practices and the design of technologies are shaped by assumptions about gender. Domestic Technologies–early feminist writings on reproductive technologies endorsed forms of technological determinism. New technologies free women from the tyranny of the houeshold and promotes...

  • Effective Technology

    BACK: Cold War These are mostly just from slides–the recording didn’t work on this day. What does it mean for a technology to be effective? Weapons There are three main theories regarding the development of military technology: Rational response to external threats; It follows the internal logic of technology Consequence...

  • Actor Network Theory

    BACK: Actor Network Theory What was next, after Hiroshima? What should scientists do now? Some turned to politics and rethought the relationship between science and society, expertise and democracy. There is an emergence of technological skepticism among scientific advisors. People were doubtful that pouring in all this funding into scientific...

  • Actor Network Theory

    BACK: Technological Systems Bruno Latour, Michel Callon, John Law One of the basic intuitions of actor network theory is that our society is kept together through artifacts and technology. What is all the stuff that isn’t human that is required for our social system to function? Actor network theory suggests...